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Sophan Nugraha’s 10ML Bypass and Customized Paper Filter in World Aeropress Championship 2024

In a small coffee shop in Batam, Sophan Nugraha, a barista from Pangkalan Brandan, sits calmly as he prepares a cup of coffee. Despite having just won the runner-up World Aeropress Championship (WAC) 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal, Sophan remains humble. A Proud Moment for Indonesia. 

photo: @solobrewinglisboa doc.

For him, the title was not the main goal, but rather the result of a process he fully enjoyed. "Now, I live in Batam, living my daily life as a barista at Brewwave Coffee Collective. Apart from that, I also work at Covins, which sells various coffee makers," he said.

When competing in Portugal, Sophan didn’t feel weighed down by expectations. For him, the Aeropress competition is a space where joy and passion meet. 

It’s a stage he must step onto with a light heart. From the moment he set foot in Portugal, he had one thought in mind, that he had to have fun. It would be a waste if this journey were clouded by stress and pressure. 

"I didn’t come with grand ambitions to win, but I believe that victory is a gift from the universe for those who genuinely enjoy the process. As for the rest, let the "SIUUUU" celebration do the talking," says Sophan.

For the competition, Sophan chose Ethiopian Guji beans with a washed process. With his experience, he knew how to bring out the best in the beans. He used a blooming technique with room-temperature water, which he believed enhanced the sweetness of the coffee.

At the end of the brewing process, he performed a 10ml bypass with room-temperature water, which helped produce a cleaner and more balanced cup. Sophan also used a Cafec Light Roast paper filter that he customized himself.

However, according to Sophan, the most important aspect of brewing coffee isn't just the technique or the beans but the sensory, the ability to taste and perceive the coffee. "No matter what technique you use, if you can’t tell the difference in taste, it’s still a failure," he said. Years of brewing coffee and tasting each cup have trained Sophan to be more sensitive. He believes that taste is at the core of every good brew.

This victory wasn’t just his own. His family and friends shared the same pride. “My family is definitely happy, not just them, but also my relatives and friends are all happy too,” Sophan said. The support from his loved ones provided him with the moral boost he needed during the competition.

Otten Coffee, as the organizer of Aeropress in Indonesia, played a significant role in Sophan's success. They fully supported his journey to Portugal by covering all his needs, from tickets to accommodation. This support allowed Sophan to focus entirely on the competition.

For young baristas or aeropressers looking to follow in his footsteps, Sophan has a simple message: "Enjoy the process, don’t just focus on the results. Always have fun at every step." For Sophan, competitions are an opportunity to learn and grow, not just a race for victory.

With his laid-back yet dedicated approach, Sophan Nugraha has proven that success doesn’t always have to be achieved with great ambition. Sometimes, the key lies in embracing the process with an open heart and enjoying every opportunity that comes your way. (hudes)

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